Jacob Krueger(雅各布)影视剧作法授课活动圆满结束!
2018年9月8日、9日,美国编剧大师Jacob Krueger来到中国授课。两天的课程期间,与近五十位编剧、制作人、导演等影视从业者进行了深度的交流。
——以上三点并不是摘自哲学书和辩论节目,而是来自Jacob Krueger课堂中的分享。在剧本创作中,他强调搭建结构与塑造角色的重要性。“编写有创意的剧情和经典的台词并不那么重要,更重要的是故事的结构和人物的走向。”
为了进一步阐释这个观点,他举出电影《美国丽人》(American beauty)的例子:在故事的最后一刻,主人公莱斯特可以因为任何原因而死,这不重要,他可以被邻居当作带坏儿子的同性恋者杀死、可以被自己老婆的情人杀死、甚至可以自杀。编剧可以自由地选择莱斯特的死法,但这部片子的结构就是主角对自己命运的选择,死亡只是成全这种变化的一种戏剧化方式。
例如,在电影《灵异第六感》中,编剧M·奈特·沙马兰(M. Night Shyamalan)在将故事改到第十稿时,他突然发现,原来他的主角不知道自己已经死了。也就是说,编剧此时是跟角色站在同一个视角去推进故事的,只有在这种情况之下,剧情才有可能出现这种出人意料的惊喜,这也是让角色自然而然发展的产物,而不是用设计好的剧情推动他们去做选择的产物。
Q:Could you please introduce yourself and what you taught?
A:My name is Jacob Krueger,and I run a screenwriting school in NYC. I came here to teach Chinese writers how to build better characters ,how to build the structure of their screenplays and TV shows, how to create a journey for the characters, and also how to build their voices as an artist,then they could tell the most profound and unique stories that are inside them.
我是Jacob Krueger,在美国纽约运营一所编剧学校,此次来到中国是为了教授中国的编剧们如何在他们的剧本中和电视节目中更好地塑造角色与故事架构,怎样创作角色的成长历程,以及如何运用艺术家的语言进行创作,使得大家能够创作出内心深处最深刻的、最独一无二的故事。
Q:What do you think the most frequently questions ask by the Chinese audience,what are they and how did you answer them?
A:So we got a lot of questions about structure. One of the big things that we talk about,what's the difference between plots,the things that happen in your life,and structure the choices that characters make in relation to the plot.So we do a lot of work answer questions about how to build structure without getting lost in the plot of your story.We also have a lot of questions about formula,a lot of desire to build formulaic movie, to have some kind of formula that you could put your story into.So a big part of what we did was to demystify that idea and help writers understand instead of how to drive a movies,how to make a movie similar to what’s already come out,instead how to find an unique structure that fit only their film, the kind of structure that grows out of characters and theme so that everything in a movie full of unique and integrated.
Q:So could you brief us a little bit on seven-act structure because it is so different from the three-act we usually hear.
A: When I first started as a screen writer,I did things everybody did.I read a book called screenplay by Syd Field and this is what the idea of three-act structure began. Three-act structure basically says that a movie has a beginning, a middle and an end.And if you have ever told a story,the idea of a beginning, a middle and an end is probably not very exciting to you. You probably already know that. The problem of the three-act structure is that when we are thinking about stories about begin in middle and end ,we are not actually thinking about the character. Because our character has no idea that it is beginning,our character has no idea that is middle,and our character has no idea that is the end.
在我刚刚开始编剧事业的时候,我也在和大家做同样的事情。我曾经读过一本叫做《screenplay》的书,作者是Syd Field,内容是关于三幕剧的最初构想。三幕剧基本阐释了电影由开端、发展和结局三个阶段组成。如果你曾尝试过创作故事,你一定对这个理论不陌生。三幕剧的问题在于,当我们构思一个故事的开端、发展和结局时,并没有真正地想过如何塑造角色,因为角色不知道什么是故事的开端、发展和结局,
The only person who knows this is the beginning the middle and end is the audience. And so when we think about structure in terms of the beginning the middle and end,we take ourselves out of the eyes of our character and start watching a movie instead as an observer from the outside. And this leads us to start manipulating our characters rather than experiencing life through them. It leads us to writing derivatives or cliches on original characters rather than writing unique characters that make unique choices.The other problem of the three-act structure is everybody who is ever try to use it get lost in the second act,because the second act of the structure is 60 pages long, and because they are thinking about plots and audience rather than the character's journey, the second act tends to go very wrong.
So the seven-act structure is a technique that I developed for myself early in my career. It allows me to focus on character rather than plot,they allows me to write my movies from the point of view of my characters rather than trying to manipulate my characters through a preexisting plot. Rather than thinking about the beginning the middle and the end,what I am thinking about are the things that characters desperately wants,the obstacles stand in their way,and the choices the characters need to made,because for me the foundation of structure is choice.So in learning seven-act structure what we really learning is how to build structure intuitively and organically,how to build structure out of our subconscious instincts,out of the images that come to us in our dreams, out of the motivations of our character's, out of psychology. We learning how to build a much more natural way. And we are breaking down structure into smaller chunks so that we have smaller movement we can do, so we can really track each step of the character during each change the character makes.
Q:Last question,what do you think of the Chinese audience and what your impression of this trip to China?
A:I get to travel a lot,this year I am going on spot in Grace,Hawaii,NYC and China,so I get to travel a lot one of the very exciting things about working with Chinese film community was getting to work with people who have different point of view and maybe have not been exposed to these ideas before.Part of the joy of teaching for me is helping students connect to their intuition and it seems like a lot of students here, most of their training was a very intellectual training. So whats exciting for me to work with the talented film makers and help them not let go of their intellect but instead start to integrate their intellect with the more intuitive and spiritual aspect of writing.
以下内容摘自Jacob Krueger的网站
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away,
a man named Syd Field wrote a book called Screenplay.
Syd took the world’s greatest screenplays, and broke them down into his now famous three-act structure, identifying the elements that made them work, and showing aspiring screenwriters a simple way to emulate those elements in their own scripts. Suddenly, every production executive, aspiring screenwriter, script consultant and screenwriting teacher had a magic formula for success. All they had to do was copy Syd Field’s magical three act formula and surely their movie would be as successful as the films that inspired it.
Three act structure broke screenwriting into three simple acts of creation:
ACT ONE: the beginning.
ACT TWO: the middle.
ACT THREE: the end.
There was only one problem. It didn’t actually work.
As brilliant as three-act structure was for describing finished drafts, and as much valuable information as Screenplay contained, as a tool for developing new material, it was often disastrous. Writers using three-act structure tended to find themselves “lost in the second act,” wandering in a 60 page wasteland of plot, without the slightest sense of how it all related to their character’s journey. Producers imposing three-act structure in script development often landed their most promising material in “development hell“– the dreaded place where screenplays go to die once they’ve been “perfected” to a point where absolutely no one wants to make them.
How is it possible that a structure based upon the most successful screenplays in history could prove so completely counterintuitive when it came to creating new work?
Simple. Syd Field’s approach to writing doesn’t work because nobody actually writes that way. Writing is a messy, complex, and intuitive process. A fascinating dance between the editing and creative parts of the writer’s mind. It doesn’t work in a straight line. It works in ever expanding circles. It’s one thing to look at a screenwriting masterpiece, identify the beginning, middle and end, and reverse engineer the structure that holds it all together. It’s quite another to start with the blank page, a rough draft, a great idea, or a compelling character and organically discover the great story that lies within.
That’s why I developed Seven Act Structure.Seven Act Structure takes your focus off of rigid formulas and critical ideas, and puts it back where it belongs: on creating the most compelling journey for your main character. It breaks down the movement of your story into manageable chunks, so that you can wrap your head around the complexities of your character, and their journey, without feeling overwhelmed by all you’re trying to accomplish. And most importantly, Seven Act Structure honors the intuitive and mysterious nature of the writers craft, allowing you to develop your story organically, one step at a time, even when you don’t know exactly where it’s leading.
Jacob Krueger老师北京授课活动已圆满结束,感谢老师、同学及各友好伙伴的大力支持!接下来为大家精心设置的是“救猫咪”电影、网剧、项目工作坊系列课程,详细内容请点击阅读以下链接: